Saturday, September 16, 2017


We had a great visit to the Apple Orchard on Thursday! Thank you to all the parents who went with us and helped out. We appreciate you!!! Please see the pictures below.

This past week was also dress up week for homecoming. We dressed up in our favorite jerseys on Monday, camo on Wednesday, and crazy red and white on Friday. You may see our pictures below.

We have 10 more school days till Fall break. This quarter has flown!

Just a few reminders about the next 2 weeks:
*Tuesday is individual picture day. Wear your uniform.(In the spring we will have "our Sunday best" pictures made.)

*Tuesday is also conference day.
  (If you can't make your time, please e-mail  to let us know. Thank you!)

Soon your child will be assessed on this quarters curriculum for their report cards. Most of the students have already mastered these skills but a few students are struggling.  Please be reinforcing these skills that have been taught in the classroom:

1. recognizing 1-10
2. writing 1-10 (without looking at a chart and no number backwards.)
3. count 1-25
4  recognize a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, ellipse, and hexagon.
5. compare items and mark them longer or shorter, lighter and heavier.
6.  name all uppercase letters in random order.
7. write all uppercase letters in order and formed correctly.(without looking at a chart.)
8. name all lowercase letters in random order.
9  name colors
10. read all sight word lists. (must be turned in before fall break)

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

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