Sunday, January 29, 2017


What  a busy week we just had with the Teddy Bear Picnic on Monday and celebrating the 100th Day of School on Thursday! We had a great time and learned so much! See the pictures below.

This next week we will learn:

*how to tell time to the hour

*rhyming words

*all about groundhogs

*all about Groundhog's Day and shadows

* do our first handwriting story

Wednesday, Feb. 1, we will be taking cap and gown pictures and our class pictures. Your child will just need to wear their usual EHCS uniform for these pictures. Girls will need to wear their hair in a way that we can fit a graduation cap on their head. These pictures are always precious!

Please sign up for Muffins with Mom and Doughnuts with Dad on Lisa Boyd's email sign up list.
Doughnuts with Dad will be on Thursday, Feb. 9 and Muffins with Mom will be on Friday, Feb. 10.
This is always a special time to spend with your child.

We will be singing songs for the residents of Waterford Assisted Living Home on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Afterwards, we will return to school for pizza and to pass out our valentines.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Can you believe that we have been in school for 100 days! Wow! Time really does fly when you are having fun!! On Thursday, January 26th, we will celebrate the 100th Day of Kindergarten. Please bring in your poster and your 100 Day Snack on this day. We will be sharing our posters in the Eagles Nest with the elementary school. This is always a very special and very fun day.

On Monday, January 23rd, we will be having our Teddy Bear Picnic. Please bring a not-so-favorite teddy bear to " hibernate "at school until spring break. Also, bring in a sack lunch, complete with a drink, and a blanket or towel to eat lunch on.

We had a great time "dressing up" this week to help celebrate Coming Home in the high school. See pictures below.


2/14-Valentine's Day/ Field Trip to Waterford Asst Living Home to sing

2/20- President's Day/No School

3/6-3/10- Spring Break

Sunday, January 15, 2017



Welcome back to school for the second semester! We hope everyone had a wonderful break for the holidays with special times spent with family and friends. The children came back very excited to see their friends and to get back to work. We have begun handwriting on 1st grade paper and the children are doing well so far. We have so many things to do and learn in the next few months.

Last Friday, we had a visit from Snowbird and held our annual Penguin Olympic games. This was a great way to end our study on Penguins. We always enjoy seeing Snowbird and the children had a great time at the Penguin Olympics. See the pictures below.

Next week, we will be learning about hibernation and other ways that animals adapt during winter. We will conclude our study with a Teddy Bear Picnic next Monday, January 23rd. More details to come soon.

Our 100th Day of School Celebration will be coming up on Thursday, January 26th, if we do not get out any more days for snow. We will be sending home a piece of poster board on Tuesday for your child to count 100 things and glue them to the poster, to display on the 100th day of school. More information about this will be coming home on Tuesday.

Next week, we will be dressing up to help the high school celebrate Coming Home, which is like Homecoming during the football season. 

Tuesday-pajama day
Wednesday-twin day or dress like your teacher
Thursday- favorite storybook character
Friday-red and white day


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody