Sunday, September 27, 2015


This week will be the last week of the first nine week period. We will be testing each student for mastery of skills.

Your child will need to:

1. Name all 26 upper and lowercase letters in random order
2. Write the uppercase letters in order
3. Identify colors and color words
4. Read sight words
5. Count to 25
6. Identify numbers 1-10 in random order
7. Write numbers 1-10 in order
8. Identify 2 dimensional shapes
9. Sort objects into given categories
10. Compare/contrast two objects (longer, shorter, taller, lighter, heavier)

We have completed our study of animals from A-Z and will take a trip to the Nashville Zoo this week. Your child will need to wear their red field trip t-shirt and jeans or khaki shorts or pants. They will need to bring a complete lunch, including a drink, in a sack, so that everything can be thrown away. We will be picnicking at the zoo and then playing on the playground before we return to school.

On Friday, we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday. We learned that he was a real man named John Chapman, and that if he were alive today, he would be 241 years old. We made a special hat to wear to lunch, we made a puppet and sang a song about him, read several books about him, and saw a special movie about his life. We all had a great time!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, September 19, 2015


We are rocking right along in Kindergarten! Next week is Conference Week and we are excited to get to meet with you and discuss your child's progress. It will be important for you to be on time as we have most conferences scheduled back to back. Please bring any questions or concerns that you might have with you to your conference.

We will be dressing up next week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in support of Homecoming, which will be Friday night. If your child chooses to not dress up, they should dress in regular school uniform.
  1. Monday-Dress in your favorite color
  2. Tuesday-Regular School Uniform
  3. Wednesday-American Day-dress in red, white, and blue
  4. Thursday-Regular School Uniform
  5. Friday-Crazy Red and White Day
No face paint, colored hair, or masks.

Upcoming Events:

Sept. 24- Conference Day
Sept. 24-Spirit Night@ Angelo's Pizza
Sept. 25-School Picture $ due
Sept. 25-Kindergarten Celebrates Johnny Appleseed's Birthday
Sept. 25-Homecoming Football Game @ 7PM
Sept. 30-Zoo Field Trip (information coming home this week)
Oct. 5-9-Fall Break

Continue to Work On:

Sight Words
Full Name
Phone number
Parent's Names
Shoe tying

This Week At A Glance:

Bible- Joseph      Memory Work: Learn the 12 Sons of Jacob
Literacy- Letters W,X,Y,Z
Recognizing and Writing A-Z
Math-Sorting, Measuring
Recognizing and Writing 1-10
Unit-Apples, All About Me
Science-Walrus, X-ray, Yak, Zebra


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Friday, September 11, 2015

Everyday in Kindergarten is Fun!

Thank you to all who came to our Open House this past week. We know that the children were very excited to show you all the things that they have made and to share with you some of the things that they are learning about. It was a fun and enjoyable evening!

For the rest of this month, we will be studying and learning all about apples! Fall is almost here and it is apple picking time. We have already experimented with them, tasted them, graphed them, read about them, and painted them.

We are quickly coming to an end of our study of Animals from A-Z. We have been learning about an animal that starts with each letter and the sound that it makes, as well as, the habitats and diet of each animal. We have learned so much about mammals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.

Upcoming Events:

Parent/Teacher Conferences-We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress.

Things to be working on:

Personal information
Full name (first, middle, last)
Phone number
Parent's first names

Sight Words
Identifying and Writing A-Z
Identifying lowercase letters a-z
Identifying and Writing 1-10
Shapes and Color Words

Next week at a glance:

Bible-Jacob and Esau
Literacy-Letters R,S,T,U,V
Math-Reviewing Shapes
Numbers 1-10
Measurement-length and height
All About Me
Science-Rhino,Seal,Tiger,Umbrette,Uniform, and Vet

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, September 5, 2015



The children have been working very hard to prepare our classrooms and hallway for your visit. We eagerly anticipate your arrival!
Your child will be your "Tour Guide" for the evening. Make sure to sign up for a conference time!

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, September 8th will also be Class Picture Day so make sure your child is dressed nicely in uniform.

Parent/Teacher Conference Day will be September 24th from 3-7pm.

What to Work On:

Your child needs to know:
Phone number
Parent's names

This Week at a Glance:

Literacy-Letters O,P,Q,R
Review all color words
Write A-Z
Recognize lowercase lettters a-z
Recognizing and ordering numbers 1-10
All About Me

Happy Labor Day!

Mrs.Gee and Mrs.Woody