Saturday, September 24, 2016


What a fun day we had on Friday with the Vocabulary Parade! Thank you to all of the parents who came and joined in the fun. The children looked great and hopefully learned some new words in the process.

We really enjoyed meeting with all the parents this week, discussing your child's progress, and getting to know all of you a little better. It is so important for us to work together as a team in your child's education.

We completed our unit on animals from A-Z this week and will be going to the Zoo on Friday, September 30th. If you, as a parent, intend to go, please fill out the form that was sent home yesterday and return to school by Wednesday, September 28th.

We also sent home our first Kindergarten Project of the year. Please help your child to turn the pumpkin into a "character pumpkin." Be creative! Google it and come up with some great ideas! These pumpkins will be put into our "Patch" in the hallway for all to view! These are due on Friday, September 30th.

This next week, we will be testing mastery of skills for the report card.

  • recognizing and naming A-Z
  • recognizing and naming a-z
  • writiing A-Z
  • sight words
  • counting to 25
  • identifyiing 1-10
  • writing 1-10
  • identifying 2D shapes
  • sorting objects into given categories
  • comparing objects (taller, shorter, longer, heavier, lighter)
We hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the pictures below of your precious children in the vocabulary parade!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, September 17, 2016


This week we will be holding Parent/Teacher Conferences. We are looking forward to meeting with each of you and discussing your child's progress. Please bring any questions that you might have with you.

Thank you to all parents who came to Open House on Tuesday night. We know that your children enjoyed being your tour guide and showing you all their hard work. 

We have been learning all about apples and how they grow. Next week, we will be learning about Johnny Appleseed. We will be making a special hat to wear to lunch and we will be making applesauce in our classroom.

On Friday, we will be having the Vocabulary Parade. We hope that you have your word and costume in mind and are ready for a fun activity that will help us learn many new words. Everyone is welcome to attend. The parade will be from 8:30-10:00. 


September 23- Vocabulary Parade
September 30-Zoo Field Trip
October 3-7- Fall Break


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody


Saturday, September 10, 2016





The children have been working very hard to prepare our room for Open House on Tuesday evening. We eagerly anticipate your arrival. This is a "come and go" event and your child will be your tour guide for the evening. You will have an opportunity to sign up for a Parent/Teacher Conference at this time.

A big thank you to all the parents who went with us to the Apple Orchard. We had a beautiful day for our trip and got to ride on the new Eagle Bus! That was very exciting! We learned a lot about apples and even got to pick one from a tree! For the rest of this month, we will be continuing our study of apples. We have already experimented, tasted, graphed, painted, and read books all about them.

We are quickly coming to an end of our study of animals from A-Z. We have been learning about an animal that starts with each letter, the sound that the letter makes, as well as, the habitats and diet of each animal. We have learned so much about mammals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.


Personal information
  • Full name (first, middle, last)
  • Address
  • Phone number (Mom's or Dad's) (just one please)
  • Parent's names
  • Age
  • Birthdate
Sight words
Identifying and writing A-Z
Identifying a-z
Identifying and writing 1-10
Color words


  • Tuesday, September 13- Open House 5-7PM
  • Thursday, September 15- Make-up picture day
  • Spirt Night at Angelos
  • Friday, September 16- Picture money due
COMING UP SOON:   Parent/Teacher Conferences (Thursday, September 22)

Have a great week-end! Go Vols!!!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Monday, September 5, 2016


We have just completed our 20th day of kindergarten! We are adjusting nicely to our schedule and working hard! We can't wait for you to see what all we are making for Open House. Your child will be your "tour guide" for the evening. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences at this time. 

We have a field triip to the Apple Orchard on Thursday, September 8th. They will need to wear their red field trip t-shirt and jeans or shorts and tennis shoes. They will need to bring a complete lunch with a drink.

Dates to Remember:

Thursday, September 8th- Field Trip to Apple Orchard

Tuesday, September 13th- Open House 5-7pm

Thursday, September 22nd- Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm

Friday, September 30th- Field Trip to the Zoo

This week:

Bible- Abraham

Literacy-Letters O, P, Q, R

Write A-Z/Recognize a-z

Math- Measurement- tall/short/heavy/light

Write and order 1-10

Units- All About Me/Apples

Science- Ostrich, Panda, Quagga, Rhino

We hope that everyone has had a great holiday weekend!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody