Friday, August 21, 2015

Kindergarten is Kool!

Thank you for a great first, FULL week of Kindergarten! Who is more tired...the students, parents, or teachers?

Today, we had a visit from a muscian, Kevin Kidd, who played his guitar and sang some silly songs for us. The children had a wonderful time. There is just something very special about hearing children laugh! Warning: You may hear your children singing songs about stinky socks and underwear!

We have been learning about a zoo animal for every letter of the alphbet. This is also our science lesson as we learn a lot of facts about each animal. Ask your child to tell you about mammals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. 

Fundraising packets were recently sent home. SELL, SELL, SELL those magazines, City Saver Books, and Smart Cards! Money raised from sales will go right back to EHCS to purchase items for our school, including your child's classroom. Tuesday, August 25th will be the last turn in date. 

Some Upcoming Events:

Friday, August 28-Crimson and White Night
Monday, August 31-Picture Day (students will wear uniforms)
Monday, September 7-Labor Day/No School

What to work on:

1 Writing and recognizing A-Z and numbers 1-10.
2.Sight words
3.Shoe tying 


Please make sure your child knows if they are going to extended day or not. It helps our car line run smoother.  Just jot down in their planner if they need to do something that is different than what they usually do.

Please remember when sending snack, that all the snacks need to be the same thing.

This Week at a Glance:

Bible-Adam and Eve
Literacy-Letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj
Writing A-Z
Math-Numbers 9, 10 and ordering and writing 1-10
Shapes-triangle, circle, and rectangle
Unit-Color Words-blue and purple
Science-fox, gazelle, giraffe, hippo, island, iguana, jungle

Have a safe and restful weekend!

K Teachers

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