Saturday, August 29, 2015


Well, another week as flown by in kindergarten and we cannot believe that August is already over!
It really is true, time flies when you are having fun!

Thank you, parents, for all your help with our recent fundraiser. We appreciate all that you do to make EHCS a great place to be. If you have not returned your envelope, please do so, as soon as possible.


Monday, August 31-Picture Day-Please have your child dressed nicely in uniform.

Monday, Sept. 7-Labor Day/No School

Tuesday, Sept. 8-Open House 5PM-7PM-You will have a chance to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences on this night.

Note the change that was made to the Parent/Teacher Conference Days:
Thursday, Sept. 24 and Friday, Sept. 25, are now full days. Conferences will be scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 24 from 3pm- to 7pm. We will also be scheduling some other times as well, in order to accommodate everyone.


Writing and Recognizing A-Z
Writing and Recognizing 1-10
Recognizing Color Words
Sight Words
Tying Shoes
Walking into classroom and following all the morning routines by yourself!


Please clean out the binder every night.

Thank you so much for sending in snacks! When doing so, please remember to only send one snack per child and no drinks.


Literacy-Letters K,L,M,N,O
Write A-Z
Math-Number Webs for 4,5,6,7,8
Writie 1-10
Shapes-Square, Ellipse, Rhombus, Hexagon
Unit-Color Words- Black, Brown, and White
Science-Kangaroo, Lion, Monkey and Nursery, Okapi, and Ostrich


The K Teachers

Friday, August 21, 2015

Kindergarten is Kool!

Thank you for a great first, FULL week of Kindergarten! Who is more tired...the students, parents, or teachers?

Today, we had a visit from a muscian, Kevin Kidd, who played his guitar and sang some silly songs for us. The children had a wonderful time. There is just something very special about hearing children laugh! Warning: You may hear your children singing songs about stinky socks and underwear!

We have been learning about a zoo animal for every letter of the alphbet. This is also our science lesson as we learn a lot of facts about each animal. Ask your child to tell you about mammals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. 

Fundraising packets were recently sent home. SELL, SELL, SELL those magazines, City Saver Books, and Smart Cards! Money raised from sales will go right back to EHCS to purchase items for our school, including your child's classroom. Tuesday, August 25th will be the last turn in date. 

Some Upcoming Events:

Friday, August 28-Crimson and White Night
Monday, August 31-Picture Day (students will wear uniforms)
Monday, September 7-Labor Day/No School

What to work on:

1 Writing and recognizing A-Z and numbers 1-10.
2.Sight words
3.Shoe tying 


Please make sure your child knows if they are going to extended day or not. It helps our car line run smoother.  Just jot down in their planner if they need to do something that is different than what they usually do.

Please remember when sending snack, that all the snacks need to be the same thing.

This Week at a Glance:

Bible-Adam and Eve
Literacy-Letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj
Writing A-Z
Math-Numbers 9, 10 and ordering and writing 1-10
Shapes-triangle, circle, and rectangle
Unit-Color Words-blue and purple
Science-fox, gazelle, giraffe, hippo, island, iguana, jungle

Have a safe and restful weekend!

K Teachers

Friday, August 14, 2015

We have had a wonderful first week of school. The children are adapting well to the routines and procedures of Kindergarten. We are excited about all the things we are going to learn and all the fun we are going to have! The Kindergarten year is a special time and the children will grow in many different ways.

 Upcoming events:

Friday, August 21- Kevin Kidd, a musician, will come play his guitar and sing with us.

Monday, August 31- Picture Day- children will wear school uniforms

Some Friendly Reminders:

$50.00 due for field trips and in school programs by Aug 21. You may pay online.

1-Please send "easy to open" things in your child's lunch. 

2-Please don't send things that have to be heated. 

3-Please don't send candy or any type of carbonated drinks.

4-Please send money for lunch in a baggie or a wallet in the backpack.

If you have not already done so, please return all forms and supplies as soon as possible.

This week in Kindergarten:

Literacy-Letters Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee
Math-Numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Shapes-circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and rhombus
Science-Animals A-Z bear, camel, deer, elephant, and eagle
Unit-Color Words-orange, yellow, and green

We will be sending home the Sight Words for this 9 week period on Monday. When your child has mastered a list, please sign it and return to school. If your child is struggling with the words, just work on a few at a time. 
Please remember that these are words that they should learn by sight. They do not need to sound them out and should not memorize them in order, as we have them read them to us from flashcards, not the list. 

Thank you parents for all you do to support us!!
K Teacher

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten

We enjoyed meeting with you all last Thursday night.
Thank you all for your attendance.
We have a fun busy year planned.

Just a few reminders.

1. Don't forget we will dismiss from the Eagle's Nest next week. Don't forget to bring your car tags with you. Please drive through the pick up line or wait for us in the Eagle's Nest. This will help your child get use to our regular dismissal procedure.

2. Don't forget to send in your money for your child's rest pad. We will be resting beginning Thursday.

3. Also, please send in your supplies if you haven't already done so.

4. Binders will go home Wednesday. Remember to send them back to school everyday.

We look forward to working with you and your child this year!

This week:
Bible- Creation
Literacy- short and long a sounds
Science- alligator and ape
Math- tracing and color sets of numbers 1-5
Unit study-colors red and blue