Sunday, January 28, 2018


What a fun week we had learning about hibernation, migration, and how animals adapt in the winter!
We concluded our study with our annual "Teddy Bear Picnic." We watched the movie "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" and then we had our own picnic with the bears we brought from home. We drew our bears and slept with our bears. We we got up from nap time, we put them in our "cave" and they will stay there and sleep until they wake up right before spring break. Here's some pictures from our picnic!


On Wednesday, each student will need to bring their 100 Day Poster and their 100 Day snack.
We will be sharing our posters in the Eagles Nest with the entire Elementary School! This is always a very fun day, where we learn a lot to the tune of 100!


Also, on Wednesday, we will be taking cap and gown pictures and class pictures. Your child will just need to wear their usual EHCS uniform for these pictures. Girls will need to wear their hair in a way where we can fit a graduation cap on their head. These pictures are always precious! 

Next week we will:

  • Celebrate the 100th Day of Kindergarten
  • Take cap and gown pictures and class pictures
  • Learn how to tell time to the hour
  • Learn about rhyming words
  • Write our first handwriting story
  • Learn about groundhogs and shadows
  • Begin learning about Dental Health
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, January 20, 2018


Well, we had a lot fun in the snow this past week! With the snow days that we had, our 100th Day of Kindergarten is now scheduled for Wednesday, January 31st. We will be sending home a poster board this week for your child to count 100 of the same thing and glue onto the poster. We will be sharing our posters in the Eagles Nest with the elementary school. This is always a very special and very fun day. We will be sending more details about this in the near future.

We concluded our study of Penguins with our annual Penguin Olympics. We played some very fun games during PE which included the penguin sled race, the penguin belly slide, and the penguin snowball fight.

We ended our week with a field trip to see "The Snowy Day" by Erza Jack Keats. It was very good and we all enjoyed it. Below are the pictures from our trip.


Next week on Friday, we will be having our Teddy Bear Picnic. Each child will need to bring a
 not-so-favorite bear to "hibernate" at school until spring break. Also, bring a lunch, complete with a drink, and a towel or blanket to sit on. We will be watching the movie, The Teddy Bear's Picnic, and having our own picnic with our bears. They will then be placed in our bear cave to sleep until spring. 


Friday, January 26th- Teddy Bear Picnic 

Wednesday, January 31st- 100th Day of School

Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Sunday, January 14, 2018



Welcome back to school for the second semester! We hope that everyone had a wonderful break for the holidays, with special times spent with family and friends. The children came back very excited to see their friends and to get back to work. We have begun handwriting on first grade paper and the children are doing well so far. We have so many things to do and learn in the next few months.

This week we will be concluding our study of Penguins and beginning a unit on hibernation and bears. We will also learn about how other animals adapt during winter.We will end our study with a Teddy Bear Picnic. More details on this will be coming soon.

On Friday, we will be taking a field trip to the Nashville Children's Theater to see "A Snowy Day," by Ezra Jack Keats. Because we had to order tickets well in advance, we are unable to invite parents to go with us.

Our 100th Day of School celebration is quickly approaching and depends on how many more snow days we have. We will let you know the exact day as soon as we can. We will be sending home a piece of poster board this week for your child to count 100 things and glue them to the poster to display on the 100th Day of School. More information about this will  be coming home this week.

This week we will be dressing up to help the high school celebrate "Coming Home." This is like
"Homecoming"  during football season. If your child does not want to participate, they must wear their uniforms.

Monday- No School
Tuesday- Character Day (dress like favorite book character)
Wednesday- Nursery or Elderly (dress as baby or elderly person)
Thursday- Jeans and Ezell-Harding t- shirts
Friday-Crazy red and white day

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody