Friday, December 9, 2016


We would like to thank you for making our Angel Tree Project such a great success! We are so proud of our kindergarteners who went shopping for some children who will have a very special Christmas this year because of them. It is indeed more blessed to give than to receive. Below are some pictures of us shopping.

We have a very fun and busy week planned. On Tuesday, we will be having our Book Buddy book exchange. Make sure you bring your wrapped book on Monday.

On Wednesday, we will have our Christmas Party. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun.

On Friday, we will have our movie and pajama day. What fun to wear your pajamas to school!!!

Every day next week, your child may wear jeans and an Ezell Harding t-shirt or a Christmas t-shirt.


Tuesday-Friday will be 1/2 days with dismissal at 11:00.

Monday- Bring wrapped book for Book Buddy and Large gift bag with handles and gifts for classmates in a separate bag

We would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May God bless you all in 2017!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Thank you for the canned foods that you have brought in so far. We have one more week for our canned Food Drive, so bring in those cans! This is a great way for our students to learn to share what we have and help others.

On Friday, we will have another opportunity to let our lights shine by going shopping for some inner city children. We have a boy and a girl that we will help buy clothes and toys for at our local Walmart. This is always a very good learning experience for our students. We are asking for each family to make a donation to make this possible. We will also need a lot of parental help on this trip. Please let your child's teacher know if you will be able to go with us.

The Book Fair will be in the Library all next week. This would be a great place to do some Christmas shopping, as well as, shopping for your child's book buddy book.

The Santa Spirit Sale will be in the Eagles Nest on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is another great place to Christmas shop and help out our school at the same time.

Remember that you can still order Yankee Candles, online, through December 31.


This week: (Dec 5-9)

Wednesday-$ for Angel Shopping and $ for McDonalds due
Friday- Angel Shopping at Walmart

Next week: (Dec 12-16)

Monday- full day of school
Tuesday-Friday- 1/2 days
Tuesday- Book Buddy Book Exchange
Wednesday-Christmas Brunch
Friday- Pajamas and Polar Express

Mrs. Gee's class had a visit yesterday from a very special little guy. We met Jackson's brand new baby brother, Oliver! What a treat! Below is a picture of our visit with him.

We hope that everyone has a great weekend!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Sunday, November 27, 2016

On Wednesday, November 16, we went to the Nashville Children's Theater to see" Junie B. Jones is Not a Crook." It was a great play and we learned that finders, keepers is not always a good policy! Below is a picture of us at the theater.

On Thursday, November 17, we had our Thanksgiving Feast and Powwow. Thank you to all family members who were able to come and be with us. We had a wonderful meal and a lot of fun at our Powwow singing, signing, and beating our drums!! Here are a few pictures of us for you to enjoy.

On Friday, November 18, we had a visit from a magician! He was awesome and really amazed us!! This visit is always a treat!!!

We hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! 

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Happy Veteran's Day! All Kindergarteners made cards and drew pictures to mail to veterans this week to thank them for their service. We are very thankful for all the men and women who have made sacrifices for our freedom! THANK YOU VETERANS!

We have been very busy this week preparing for our upcoming Thanksgiving Feast and powow on Thursday. We will be dressing up in our Indian vests, headdresses, and necklaces and eating together. Our cafeteria will be providing the meal, which will be turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a roll. We will be making a special pumpkin dessert in our classroom. We are asking that all students bring $4.00 to buy lunch on Thursday. All parents are invited to join us. We will be eating in the cafeteria from 10:40-11:10. Afterwards, we will be having our Indian powwow in the Eagles Nest from 11:15-11:45, where we will sing and beat our Indian drums.

We have been working on learning the 100th Psalm and will be saying it in Chapel on Thursday. We are also asking that the children recite it for their families at their Thanksgiving meal.


TUESDAY-Last day to turn in paper order form sales for Yankee Candle. Online sales continue through December 31 and ship within 48 hours.

WEDNESDAY-Field trip to Children's Theater- Students wear red field trip shirt and bring lunch with a drink- (Since we had to order tickets in advance, this will be a student/teacher only field trip)

THURSDAY-Thanksgiving Feast and powwow-Students bring $4.00 for lunch.


November 21-25- Thanksgiving Break
December 5-9- Book Fair in Library
December 6-(7:30-6:00pm) and December 7-(7:30-9:00am) in Eagles Nest
December 9- Field trip to shop for underpriviledged children

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you how thankful we are for each child and family in our Kindergarten classes. We are thankful that you have chosen to send your child to EHCS and that we get to work with you and your child this year. We pray God's blessings on each one of you during this holiday season.


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, November 5, 2016


We  had a great time at our fall parties on Monday. We would like to thank all the parents who sent in food or came and helped out. The children had a great time "trick or treating" around campus, eating, and playing some games.

We have begun our study of the Pilgrims, Indians, and the first Thanksgiving. We have given each child an Indian name and this week we will be very busy making our vests, headbands, necklaces, and drums for our upcoming Thanksgiving Feast and Powwow. Please make sure to bring your cylinder can covered in the brown paper on Tuesday.

We have put up a teepee in our classrooms and we got to paint Indian symbols on it this week.
Each day a child is chosen to get to "nap" in the teepee. It has been a lot of fun to learn about the history of our country and the way they lived long ago.

 The Yankee Candle Sale is going on now through 11/ 15 but online through 12/31. Who doesn't like Yankee Candles? These would make wonderful Christmas presents! So get out there and sale, sale, sale!



November 16-Field Trip to Children's Theater (Due to having to order tickets in advance, this field trip will be students only)
November 17- Thanksgiving Feast and Powwow
November 18- In school program-Magician show


Book Fair in Library- December 5-9
Santa Sale in Eagles Nest- December 6- 7:30am-6:00pm   December 7- 7:30am-9:00am

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, October 29, 2016


WOW! It's already the end of October! We have had so much fun this week learning about spiders and how helpful they are to us by eating so many insects. God's world is so perfectly made!

Monday, we will be having our Fall Harvest Party. We will  go "trick or treating" around campus and then have lunch, play some games, and make a fun craft. We hope that everyone has a fun and safe holiday on Monday.

Next week we will begin our study of the Pilgrims, Indians, and Thanksgiving. This is a great time of the year and a great time to study some history of our country.


November 7- No School/Teacher Inservice
November 16- Field Trip to the Children's Theater
November 17- Thanksgiving Feast and PowWow
November 21-25- Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Eagles Nest Pumpkin Patch. Everyone was so creative and we enjoyed looking at all the different book characters.

We have begun a service project called "Be a Feather." We will be collecting items to make bags for the needy. Please bring in donated items starting Monday. Projects like this, help teach our children compassion and love for others. We thank you for your willingness to help in this way.

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Sunday, October 23, 2016


We had an absolutely great field trip to the Pumpkin Patch! The rain held off, it was pleasant and not hot, and we had wonderful parents that went with us to help out. We went on a "spooky" wagon ride and played "I Spy,"  learned about and got to pet some cool animals, got to play on a fun playground and go through a corn and hay maze, pick a pumpkin, and ride the big EHCS bus! What more could you want? Thank you to all the parents who were able to go!

We had a great study of owls last week. We learned about 5 different kinds of owls and concluded our study on Friday by dissecting an owl pellet and going "owling."

This week we are creating our own EHCS "Pumpkin Patch" in the Eagles Nest. Bring your pumpkin, decorated as your favorite storybook character, starting Monday. They will be judged on Friday. These are always fun to look at!

Bring your cereal box covered in black paper. DO NOT DECORATE! We will do that at school. Also, don't forget to bring in a bag of individually wrapped candy to use for trick or treating.

Our Fall Harvest Party will be on Monday, October 31st. We will be having a lunch party and going trick or treating all around campus. NO COSTUMES PLEASE!

We hope that you enjoy the pictures of our field trip and our study of Owls below.

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Your child's report card was sent home on Friday. Please sign it and return on Monday. Thanks!

We had a very special visitor, Rescue Rex, on Friday, to conclude our study of fire safety. Below are some pictures that you will not want to miss.

 We  will be going on our third field trip to Walden Pumpkin Farm on Thursday this week. Your child will need to wear their red field trip t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. We will be eating lunch when we return to school, but because we will not be eating at our regularly scheduled time, each student will need to bring their lunch, with a drink. If you as a parent, plan to go with us, you need to send in $7.00 by Wednesday, October 20th.

This week we will be studying owls. On Friday, we will be dissecting an owl pellet and going "owling." This is from the book "Owl Moon." You might want to check it out.


Thursday, October 20- Field Trip to Walden Pumpkin Farm
Monday, October 31- Fall Harvest Party
Monday, November 7- No school/ Christian School Inservice


Bible- Moses and the Ten Plagues
Literacy- Blending sounds into words, writing sentences, nouns
Math-Writing and recognizing numbers 1-20, patterns
Science- Owls and pumpkins

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, September 24, 2016


What a fun day we had on Friday with the Vocabulary Parade! Thank you to all of the parents who came and joined in the fun. The children looked great and hopefully learned some new words in the process.

We really enjoyed meeting with all the parents this week, discussing your child's progress, and getting to know all of you a little better. It is so important for us to work together as a team in your child's education.

We completed our unit on animals from A-Z this week and will be going to the Zoo on Friday, September 30th. If you, as a parent, intend to go, please fill out the form that was sent home yesterday and return to school by Wednesday, September 28th.

We also sent home our first Kindergarten Project of the year. Please help your child to turn the pumpkin into a "character pumpkin." Be creative! Google it and come up with some great ideas! These pumpkins will be put into our "Patch" in the hallway for all to view! These are due on Friday, September 30th.

This next week, we will be testing mastery of skills for the report card.

  • recognizing and naming A-Z
  • recognizing and naming a-z
  • writiing A-Z
  • sight words
  • counting to 25
  • identifyiing 1-10
  • writing 1-10
  • identifying 2D shapes
  • sorting objects into given categories
  • comparing objects (taller, shorter, longer, heavier, lighter)
We hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the pictures below of your precious children in the vocabulary parade!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, September 17, 2016


This week we will be holding Parent/Teacher Conferences. We are looking forward to meeting with each of you and discussing your child's progress. Please bring any questions that you might have with you.

Thank you to all parents who came to Open House on Tuesday night. We know that your children enjoyed being your tour guide and showing you all their hard work. 

We have been learning all about apples and how they grow. Next week, we will be learning about Johnny Appleseed. We will be making a special hat to wear to lunch and we will be making applesauce in our classroom.

On Friday, we will be having the Vocabulary Parade. We hope that you have your word and costume in mind and are ready for a fun activity that will help us learn many new words. Everyone is welcome to attend. The parade will be from 8:30-10:00. 


September 23- Vocabulary Parade
September 30-Zoo Field Trip
October 3-7- Fall Break


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody


Saturday, September 10, 2016





The children have been working very hard to prepare our room for Open House on Tuesday evening. We eagerly anticipate your arrival. This is a "come and go" event and your child will be your tour guide for the evening. You will have an opportunity to sign up for a Parent/Teacher Conference at this time.

A big thank you to all the parents who went with us to the Apple Orchard. We had a beautiful day for our trip and got to ride on the new Eagle Bus! That was very exciting! We learned a lot about apples and even got to pick one from a tree! For the rest of this month, we will be continuing our study of apples. We have already experimented, tasted, graphed, painted, and read books all about them.

We are quickly coming to an end of our study of animals from A-Z. We have been learning about an animal that starts with each letter, the sound that the letter makes, as well as, the habitats and diet of each animal. We have learned so much about mammals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.


Personal information
  • Full name (first, middle, last)
  • Address
  • Phone number (Mom's or Dad's) (just one please)
  • Parent's names
  • Age
  • Birthdate
Sight words
Identifying and writing A-Z
Identifying a-z
Identifying and writing 1-10
Color words


  • Tuesday, September 13- Open House 5-7PM
  • Thursday, September 15- Make-up picture day
  • Spirt Night at Angelos
  • Friday, September 16- Picture money due
COMING UP SOON:   Parent/Teacher Conferences (Thursday, September 22)

Have a great week-end! Go Vols!!!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Monday, September 5, 2016


We have just completed our 20th day of kindergarten! We are adjusting nicely to our schedule and working hard! We can't wait for you to see what all we are making for Open House. Your child will be your "tour guide" for the evening. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences at this time. 

We have a field triip to the Apple Orchard on Thursday, September 8th. They will need to wear their red field trip t-shirt and jeans or shorts and tennis shoes. They will need to bring a complete lunch with a drink.

Dates to Remember:

Thursday, September 8th- Field Trip to Apple Orchard

Tuesday, September 13th- Open House 5-7pm

Thursday, September 22nd- Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm

Friday, September 30th- Field Trip to the Zoo

This week:

Bible- Abraham

Literacy-Letters O, P, Q, R

Write A-Z/Recognize a-z

Math- Measurement- tall/short/heavy/light

Write and order 1-10

Units- All About Me/Apples

Science- Ostrich, Panda, Quagga, Rhino

We hope that everyone has had a great holiday weekend!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Friday, August 26, 2016



Can you believe that August is almost over? It really must be true that time flies when you are having fun!
This week we got to watch the cement being poured for part of our new playground. We can hardly wait until it is finished! It's going to be great!

We would like to thank you all for selling items for our fundraiser event. We appreciate all you do to help our school! 

1. Please return all unsold fundraiser materials as soon as possible. Items not returned will be charged to your renweb account.
2. Mark your calendars for our Open House Tuesday, September 13 (come and go from 5:00-7:00)
You will need to come to our room first to sign up for a conference (which is Thursday, September 22. We have also added other days to chose from.
3. Our first field trip will be to the Apple Orchard Thursday, Sept. 8. A detailed note will be coming home Wednesday. Please make sure that you have paid your $50 field trip fee on renweb in order for your child to attend.


September 5- No School/Labor Day
September 8- Field Trip to the Apple Orchard
September 13- Open House 5-7pm (come and go)
September 30- Field Trip to the Zoo

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Saturday, August 20, 2016




  • First turn in date for fundraiser-Monday, August 22nd
  • Last turn in date for fundraiser-Friday, August 26th
  • Picture Day-Wednesday, August 24th (wear uniform)
  • School Holiday-Monday, September 5th
  • Don't forget to pay the $50.00 field trip fee on RenWeb
  • Apple Orchard Field Trip-Thursday, September 8th

On Friday, the students enjoyed their first stem (science, technology, engineering, and math) activity. We read Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing which is about the building of the Brooklyn Bridge and how PT Barnum used 21 elephants to test the strength of the bridge. We then engineered our own bridges and tested the strength with our elephants.

 We hope that everyone has a great week-end!


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Monday, August 8, 2016


We enjoyed meeting with you all last Thursday night.
Thank you all for your attendance.
We have a fun busy year planned.

Just a few reminders.

1. Don't forget we will dismiss from the Eagle's Nest this week. Don't forget to bring your car tags with you. Please drive through the pick up line or wait for us in the Eagle's Nest. This will help your child get use to our regular dismissal procedure.

2. Don't forget to send in your money for your child's rest pad cover if you have ordered one. We will be resting beginning Thursday.

3. Also, please send in your supplies if you haven't already done so.

4. Binders will go home today. Remember to send them back to school everyday.

5. Crimson and White night-August 19 at 5:30-Get your

tickets early for a discount

6. School pictures on August 24-wear school uniforms

7.Fundraiser coming soon...

We look forrward to working with you and your child this year!

This week:
Bible- Creation
Literacy- short and long a sounds
Science- alligator and ape
Math- tracing and color sets of numbers 1-5
Unit study-colors red and blue

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Our year together is almost over. It has really gone fast! We will be wrapping things up this next week. We will be testing the students on the skills taught the last nine weeks and practicing for graduation.

On Tuesday, we will have a visit from Patty Keith, an author of children's books that teach a moral lesson. On Friday, we will be going on our last field trip to Radnor Lake and Granny White Park. Please have your child wear their red field trip t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. We will be hiking around the lake looking for all the animals, insects, and birds we can find. Then we will go to Granny White Park for lunch and to play on the playground. Join us if you can. We will leave school at 8:15 and return to school by 2:00.

Dates to Remember:

Friday, May 13-Field trip to Radnor Lake and Granny White Park

Monday, May 16-1/2 day-dismissal @ 11:00

Tuesday, May 17-Kindergarten Graduation in Middle School Gym at 8:30 with reception in Eagle's Nest afterwards-Children may leave with you after graduation

We hope that everyone has a great summer!
Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody

Sunday, May 1, 2016


The Kindergarten Students had a great time on Field Day! Firefighters to the rescue! We looked super cool in our firefighter shirts made by Mr. Gee and our hats donated by Firehouse Subs! Thank you to all the parents who were able to come and help out!

On Friday, May 13, we will be going on a hike around Radnor Lake and then spend the rest of the day at Granny White Park. We will be leaving school at 8:15 to arrive at Radnor Lake by 9:00. We will hike for about an hour and a half and then go to Granny White Park for lunch and to play on the playground. We will return to school around 2:00. Students will need to wear their red field trip
 t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. They will need to bring a complete lunch, including a drink, in a sack or bag. We will be throwing everything away after lunch. Everyone is welcome to come and join us.


May 13- Field Trip to Radnor Lake
May 16-1/2 Day-Dismissal @ 11:00 Bring lunch if staying in extended.
May 17-Kindergarten Graduation @ 8:30 in Middle School Gym (reception after in Eagle's Nest)
Children are dismissed after Graduation


Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Woody